"Every tone, even the strongest
attack, has a small, even if
barely audible, softness at
the beginning of the stroke"
“The different combinations of [types of bowing]
impart to melody its expression and effect."
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"above all the bowing must always be done correctly.“
"And because everybody knows about
these instruments, it is unnecessary to
point out or write anything more"
"The viole da brazzo, especially the violin, is an
instrument in itself crude and harsh, if it is not
tempered and softened by delicate bowing."
"strongly tensed and fitted with horse's hair"
“one always plays a down bow for
the first note of the bar, but if it is composed
of an uneven number [of notes] ..., one plays an up
bow on the first note of the following bar"..."
"Notice that, at the beginning of
the music: the bow should be drawn
'towards' the right hand."
"the Bow is held in the right hand
... the Thumb being staid upon the hair at the Nut"
„The whole art of playing the violin consists
in knowing how to manage the bow well"
" the violin bow is drawn with the
right hand, but in different ways "
"...learn to grasp and hold the bow
correctly, ... quick little runs
should be played at the point"
"Bow of fine speckled wood"
“let your Bow be as long
as your Instrument, well
mounted and stiff Hair’d
"...If one has not learnt the up and down
strokes correctly, this leads to an
unordered and absurd measure, from
which really big mistakes arise..."
"... German violinists ... hold the bow
as the Lullists do, pressing the hair
with the thumb and resting the other
fingers on the stick of the bow"
“The bow is held with the right hand, the
four fingers placed on the wood, and the
thumb under the nut which holds the hair"
"he [Nicola Matteis] taught the English to hold
the bow by the wood onely and not to touch
the hair which was no small reformation."
"It is difficult to lay down any certain Rules for the Use of the Bow ..."
“These two methods of holding the
bow [thumb on the stick, thumb on
the hair] are equally good, it depends
on the master who teaches you."
"He Plays with a Short Bow [because] no
Fidler can Play any thing with a Long Bow,
that He can't Play with a short one."
"there are no definite rules for determining whether
one should begin with a down-bow or up-bow."
"Your first study, therefore, should
be the true manner of holding,
balancing and pressing the bow lightly,
but steadily, upon the strings
“One can call the bow the soul of the
instrument which it touches, because it serves
to give the expression to the tones, to spin
them out, to swell them and to diminish them. "
"rather play with the small end of the bow"
“...the further one moves the bow away
from the bridge the duller and more
muted the sound becomes."
“The bow is the soul of the violin"
“... the first duty of the violinist [is] to give the
upbow and the downbow equal weight"
"The expert handing of the bow
is much more difficult than that of the violin
“One must learn to place the bow so gently
on the strings, that the sound appears to
arise from a soft breathe and not a hefty blow"
“The bow is the soul, the thought, the spirit of the violin"
© Copyright 2020 by Richard Gwilt. All Rights Reserved.